Configuring the launcher

GfxLauncher and the gfxconvert script is configured in the /etc/gfxlauncher.conf configuration file. This file controls all the default settings and slurm templates used.

An example configuration file is shown below:

script_dir = /sw/pkg/ondemand-dt/run
install_dir = /sw/pkg/gfxlauncher
help_url = ""
browser_command = firefox

default_part = gpua40
default_account = lu-test

feature_mem96gb = "96 GB Memory node"
feature_mem64gb = "64 GB Memory node"
feature_mem128gb = "128 GB Memory node"
feature_mem192gb = "192 GB Memory node"
feature_mem384gb = "384 GB Memory node"
feature_mem768gb = "768 GB Memory node"
feature_mem256gb = "256 GB Memory node"
feature_mem512GB = "512 GB Memory node"
feature_gpua40 = "NVIDIA A40 GPU"
feature_milan = "AMD Milan CPU"
feature_gpu3k20 = "3 x NVIDIA K20 GPU (128GB RAM)"
feature_kepler = "2 x NVIDIA K80 GPU"
feature_ampere = "2 x NVIDIA A100 GPU"
feature_ignore = "milan,rack-,rack_,bc,haswell,cascade,enc,jobtmp,skylake,ampere,kepler,sandy"

part_lu48 = "AMD 48 cores"
part_lu32 = "Intel 32 cores"
part_gpua40 = "AMD/NVIDIA A40 48c 24h"
part_gpua100 = "AMD/NVIDIA A100 48 cores"
part_gpua40i = "Intel/NVIDIA A40 32c 48h"
part_ignore = "lunarc,hep"

group_ondemand = gpua40, gpua40i
group_develop = gpua40i
group_metashape184 = lvis2
group_cpu = lu48
group_gpu = gpua100,gpua40
group_win = win
group_all = lu48,lu32,gpua100,gpua40

group_ondemand_tasks = 4
group_ondemand_memory = -1
group_ondemand_exclusive = no

use_sacctmgr = yes

menu_prefix = "Applications - "
desktop_entry_prefix = "gfx-"

vgl_bin = /usr/bin/vglconnect
vgl_path = /usr/bin
backend_node = gfx0
vglconnect_template = %s/vglconnect %s %s/%s

notebook_module = Anaconda3
jupyterlab_module = Anaconda3

xfreerdp_path = /sw/pkg/freerdp/2.0.0-rc4/bin
xfreerdp_cmdline = %s /v:%s /u:$USER /d:ad.lunarc /sec:tls /cert-ignore /audio-mode:1 /gfx +gfx-progressive -bitmap-cache -offscreen-cache -glyph-cache +clipboard /size:1280x1024 /dynamic-resolution /t:"LUNARC HPC Desktop Windows 10 (NVIDA V100)"

General section - [general]

The general section mainly contains information on where the gfxconvert tool can find the server scripts used for starting the applications on the backend infrastructure, install_dir. The server scripts also contains meta data for menu generation. The script_dir tells gfxconvert where the run-scripts should be generated.

SLURM section - [slurm]

This section contain settings related to SLURM.




If no partition is given on the gfxlaunch command line this is the default partition used.


If no account information is given this is the default account used.


If set to yes (default) gfxlaunch will use project information from the sacctmgr command instead of grantfiles. This is the default.


grantfile and grantfile_base are specific to SNIC/LUNARC HPC resources and can be disabled.

Feature descriptions

It is also possible to give descriptive names of SLURM features, which will be displayed in the user interface combobox. Feature descriptions are given by variables prefixed with feature_ and the name of the feature in SLURM. An feature variable name for the SLURM feature gpu4k20 will then be feature_gpu4k20. The description is a string assigned to the configuration variable, enclosed with “”. An example feature variable assignment is shown below:

feature_gpu4k20 = "4 x NVIDIA K20 GPU"

Ignoring features

Not all features should be automatically be exposed to the users. To hide these the feature_ignore configuration variable can be used to list features that shoudln’t be considered in the user interface. The following example shows this variable used:

feature_ignore = "rack-,rack_,bc,haswell,cascade,enc,jobtmp,skylake,ampere,kepler,sandy"

Partition descriptions

To make the resource selection more intuitive it is also possible to give the SLURM partitions more easy to understand descriptions. This is done by providing special partition variables prefixed with part_ and the name of the partition in SLURM. A partition variable name for the SLURM partition gpua100 would then be part_gpua100. The description is a string assigned to the configuration variable, enclosed with “”. An example partition variable assignment is shonw below:

part_gpua100 = "AMD/NVIDIA A100 48 cores"

Ignoring partitions

Just as with features, not all partitions should be automatically be exposed to the users. To hide these the part_ignore configuration variable can be used to list features that shoudln’t be considered in the user interface. The following example shows this variable used:

part_ignore = "lunarc,hep"

Grouping partitions

Certain applications will require certain partitions when running. To limit the choices in the user interface it is possible to define groups of partitions, this can be done by defining variables with the group_-prefix followed by the groupname. For each group a number of partitions can be specified. Examples of group definitions are shown below:

group_ondemand = lvis,lvis2
group_cpu = lu,lu2
group_gpu = gpuk20,gpua100
group_win = win

The partition groups can be used the gfxlaunch switch –group to only display the partitions in the specified group.

VirtualGL section - [vgl]

This section is used by gfxlaunch to configure where the binaries for VirtualGL can be found. The following variables can be configured:




Path for VirtualGL executables (for example: /usr/bin)


Command to execute vglconnect. Should be %s/vglconnect %s %s/%s by default.

XFreeRDP section - [xfreerdp]

This section is used by gfxlaunch to configure where the binaries for XFreeRDP can be found. The following variables can be configured:




Path for XFreeRDP executables