Configuring compute nodes

There are two requirements for the compute nodes:

  1. A user must be able to SSH to the node of the running job. See SLURM documentation (

  2. When executing the application on the node it has to be associated with the same context as the placeholder job.

To solve the second point a special pam module is required to associate the SSH session with the running job. I the following sections a solution to this is configured. It should also be possible to configure this with the pam_slurm_adopt module, but it has not been thoroughly tested yet.

Adding pam_exec to /etc/pam.d/sshd

Add the following line to the /etc/pam.d/sshd to the end of this configuration file:

session    optional /sbin/

Adding script to /sbin

In the system directory of the distribution the script can be found. Copy this script to /sbin on the nodes. The script contains the following code:



[ "$PAM_USER" = "root" ] && exit 0
[ "$PAM_TYPE" = "open_session" ] || exit 0


if [ ! -x $squeue ]; then
exit 0

uidnumber=$(id -u $PAM_USER)
echo "uidnumber = "$uidnumber >> /var/log/pam_exec.log
host=$(hostname -s)

# last job the user started is where these tasks will go
jobid=$($squeue --noheader --format=%i --user=$PAM_USER --node=localhost | tail -1)

[ -z "$jobid" ] && exit 0

for system in freezer cpuset; do

    # if the cgdir doesn't exist skip it
    [ -d $cgdir ] || continue
    # first job step is where we'll put these tasks
    cgtasks=$(find $cgdir/uid_$uidnumber/job_$jobid -mindepth 2 -type f -name tasks -print -quit)
    [ -f $cgtasks ] && echo $PPID > $cgtasks
    [ -f $cgtasks ] && echo $PPID >> /var/log/pam_exec.log


exit 0

This script will add the SSH session to the same cgroups task group, enabling the same resource limits as for other jobs on the node. A log file /var/log/pam_exec.log will be created on the node for debugging purposes.