Source code for

#!/bin/env python
# LUNARC HPC Desktop On-Demand graphical launch tool
# Copyright (C) 2017-2022 LUNARC, Lund University
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Jobs module

This module provides classes for supported job types.

import os
import sys
import subprocess
import time
import urllib.parse as up

from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT

[docs] def find_remote_port(url): """Extract port information from a url.""" url_parts = up.urlparse(url) if url_parts.netloc.find(":")!=-1: return int(url_parts.netloc.split(":")[1]) else: return -1
[docs] class Job(object): """Class describing a SLURM jobs""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:60:00"): """Initialise default class variables""" self.script = "" = -1 self.status = "" self.magic = "#!/bin/bash" = "gui_interactive" self.nodes = "" self.tasksPerNode = 1 self.cpusPerNode = -1 self.exclusive = False self.time = time self.nodeCount = 1 self.memory = -1 self.account = account self.partition = partition self.node = "" self.submitNode = False self.constraints = [] self.gres = "" self.oversubscribe = False self.module_list = [] self.scriptLines = [] self.customLines = [] self._process_output = False self.update_processing = False self.processing_description = "" self._create_script()
[docs] def add_constraint(self, constraint): """Add constraint (feature)""" self.constraints.append(constraint)
def clear_constraints(self): self.constraints = [] def add_script(self, line): self.scriptLines.append(line) def add_option(self, option): self.add_script("#SBATCH " + option) def add_module(self, name, version=""): self.module_list.append([name, version]) def clear_script(self): self.scriptLines = [] self.customLines = [] self.constraints = [] self.module_list = [] def _create_script(self): self.scriptLines = [] self.add_script(self.magic) self.add_script("") if self.account != "": self.add_option("-A %s" % self.account) if self.submitNode: self.add_option("-w %s" % self.node) else: if self.partition != "": self.add_option("-p %s" % self.partition) if self.nodeCount >= 0: self.add_option("-N %d" % self.nodeCount) if self.tasksPerNode >= 0: self.add_option("--ntasks-per-node=%d" % self.tasksPerNode) self.add_option("--time=%s" % self.time) if self.gres != "": self.add_option("--gres=%s" % self.gres) if self.memory > 0: self.add_option("--mem=%d" % self.memory) if self.exclusive: self.add_option("--exclusive") if self.oversubscribe: self.add_option("--oversubscribe") if len(self.constraints) > 0: if len(self.constraints) == 1: self.add_option("--constraint=%s" % self.constraints[0]) else: constraint_string = "&".join(self.constraints) self.add_option("--constraint=%s" % constraint_string) self.add_option("-J %s" % self.add_script("") self.add_script('echo "Starting at `date`"') self.add_script('echo "Running on hosts: $SLURM_NODELIST"') self.add_script('echo "Running on $SLURM_NNODES nodes."') self.add_script('echo "Running on $SLURM_NPROCS processors."') self.add_script('echo "SLURM JobID $SLURM_JOB_ID processors."') self.add_script('echo "Node has $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE processors."') self.add_script('echo "Node has $SLURM_MEM_PER_NODE total memory."') self.add_script('echo "Node has $SLURM_MEM_PER_CPU memory per cpu."') self.add_script('echo "Current working directory is `pwd`"') self.add_script('echo "Current path is $PATH"') self.add_script('') for module in self.module_list: module_name = module[0] module_version = module[1] if module_version == "": self.add_script('module load %s' % (module_name)) else: self.add_script('module load %s/%s' % (module_name, module_version)) self.script = "\n".join(self.scriptLines + self.customLines) def add_custom_script(self, line): self.customLines.append(line) def update(self): self._create_script() def set_process_output(self, flag): self._process_output = flag def get_process_output(self): return self._process_output def do_process_output(self, output_lines): pass def do_update_processing(self): pass def __str__(self): return self.script process_output = property(get_process_output, set_process_output)
[docs] class PlaceHolderJob(Job): """Placeholder job running acting as master process""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:30:00"): Job.__init__(self, account, partition, time) self.add_custom_script('while true; do sleep 60; done') self.update()
conda_initialise_script = """# >>> conda initialize >>> # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !! if [ -z "${EBROOTANACONDA3}" ]; then echo "You need to load the Anaconda3 module before sourcing this script." return fi __conda_setup="$(${EBROOTANACONDA3}/bin/conda 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then eval "$__conda_setup" else if [ -f "${EBROOTANACONDA3}/etc/profile.d/" ]; then . "${EBROOTANACONDA3}/etc/profile.d/" else export PATH="${EBROOTANACONDA3}/bin:$PATH" fi fi unset __conda_setup # <<< conda initialize <<< """
[docs] class JupyterNotebookJob(Job): """Jupyter notebook job""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:30:00", notebook_module="Anaconda3", use_localhost=False, conda_env=""): Job.__init__(self, account, partition, time) self.use_localhost = use_localhost self.notebook_url = "" self.process_output = True self.processing_description = "Waiting for notebook instance to start." self.notebook_module = notebook_module self.conda_source_env = "" self.conda_env = conda_env if ',' in self.notebook_module: modules = self.notebook_module.split(",") for module in modules: self.add_module(module.strip()) else: self.add_module(self.notebook_module) self.add_custom_script("unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") if self.conda_source_env != "": self.add_custom_script("source %s" % self.conda_source_env) if self.conda_env != "": self.add_custom_script("conda activate %s" % self.conda_env) if self.use_localhost: self.add_custom_script('jupyter-notebook --no-browser') else: self.add_custom_script('jupyter-notebook --no-browser --ip=$HOSTNAME') self.add_custom_script("module list") self.add_custom_script("which python")
[docs] def on_notebook_url_found(self, url): """Event method called when notebook has been found""" print("Notebook found: "+url)
[docs] def do_process_output(self, output_lines): """Process job output""" Job.do_process_output(self, output_lines) if self.process_output: for line in output_lines: if line.find("?token=") != -1: if line.find("") == -1: if self.process_output: url = line[line.find("http:"):].strip() port = find_remote_port(url) if port!=-1: self.notebook_port = port else: self.notebook_port = 8888 self.notebook_url = url self.process_output = False self.on_notebook_url_found(self.notebook_url)
[docs] class JupyterLabJob(Job): """Jupyter lab job""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:30:00", jupyterlab_module="Anaconda3", use_localhost=False, conda_env=""): Job.__init__(self, account, partition, time) self.use_localhost = use_localhost self.notebook_url = "" self.process_output = True self.processing_description = "Waiting for notebook instance to start." self.jupyterlab_module = jupyterlab_module self.init_conda = False self.conda_env = conda_env if ',' in self.jupyterlab_module: modules = self.jupyterlab_module.split(",") for module in modules: self.add_module(module.strip()) else: self.add_module(self.jupyterlab_module) self.add_custom_script("unset XDG_RUNTIME_DIR") if self.init_conda: self.add_custom_script(conda_initialise_script) if self.conda_env != "": self.add_custom_script("conda activate %s" % self.conda_env) if self.use_localhost: self.add_custom_script('jupyter-lab --no-browser') else: self.add_custom_script('jupyter-lab --no-browser --ip=$HOSTNAME') self.add_custom_script("module list") self.add_custom_script("which python")
[docs] def on_notebook_url_found(self, url): """Event method called when notebook has been found""" print("Lab found: "+url)
[docs] def do_process_output(self, output_lines): """Process job output""" Job.do_process_output(self, output_lines) if self.process_output: for line in output_lines: if line.find("?token=") != -1: if line.find("") == -1: if self.process_output: url = line[line.find("http:"):].strip() port = find_remote_port(url) if port!=-1: self.notebook_port = port else: self.notebook_port = 8888 self.notebook_url = url self.process_output = False self.on_notebook_url_found(self.notebook_url)
[docs] class VMJob(Job): """Special Job for starting VM:s""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:30:00"): """Class constructor""" super().__init__(account, partition, time) self.notebook_url = "" self.process_output = False self.processing_description = "Waiting Windows session to become available." self.update_processing = True #self.add_custom_script("sleep infinity") self.add_custom_script("while true; do date; sleep 5; done") self.hostname = "" self.oversubscribe = True self.memory = 100 self.gres = "win10m" self.nodeCount = -1 self.tasksPerNode = -1
[docs] def do_update_processing(self): """Check for vm job ip file""" home_dir = os.getenv("HOME") store_dir = os.path.join(home_dir, ".lhpc") job_host_filename = os.path.join( store_dir, "vm_host_%s.ip" % str( if os.path.exists(job_host_filename): with open(job_host_filename) as f: hostname = f.readlines()[0].strip() self.update_processing = False self.hostname = hostname self.on_vm_available(hostname)
[docs] def on_vm_available(self, hostname): """Callback when job ib file found.""" print("VM vailable: "+hostname)
[docs] class JobPluginBase(Job): """Base class for loadable job plugins.""" def __init__(self, account="", partition="", time="00:60:00"): """Class constructor""" super().__init__(account, partition, time) self.plugin_name = "Noname" self.plugin_descr = "Plugin that does nothing"